Welcome and thank you for your interest in membership of the Bentley Drivers Club (NSW Region) Inc.

We enjoy day runs, weekends away, special occasion dinners and bi-monthly meetings with others passionate about Bentleys. Members are kept informed of the events calendar in our bi-monthly magazine, and email promotions issued regularly. 

Our Club

We are one of the Regions of the Bentley Drivers Club Ltd based in the U.K., formed by a small group of W.O. Bentley owners in 1936. As interest grew, Regions were established, with our region established in 1972.

NSW region members are encouraged to join the U.K. Club, which publishes a monthly magazine and a merchandise listing of badges, publications & regalia. It also has a technical & spares advice section which can be useful when maintaining or restoring your Bentley. Please look at their website for details & membership application: www.bdcl.org

For information and updates on our Club, be sure to check our News section, your Club Magazine issued bi-Monthly, and email promotions.

The Objects and Rules of the club can be downloaded here.

Where We Meet:

Our bi-monthly General Meetings are currently held at the Lord Nelson Brewery Hotel, a 19 Kent Street The Rocks, Sydney, or as advertised.. Meetings are on the first Monday, of February, April, June, August, October and December, which is our AGM. If it's a public holiday, the meeting is the following Monday.  Many members meet from 6.00pm for a pre-meeting meal.

To confirm times and dates of General Meetings, consult your Club Magazine, or our website's Events section.

Classes of Membership


  • Full Members: Bentley owners.
  • Associate Members: Those with enthusiasm for Bentley motor cars.
  • Junior Associate Members: Those with the same enthusiasm who under 18 years and over 14 years.

Costs and Payment Instructions:

  • Single and Associate Member - First Year Fee: Joining fee $30 + Current Annual Subscription $125 = $155.
  • Junior membership - First Year Fee: Joining fee $30 + junior annual Subscription $50 = $80.

Download our Membership Form

Please Download and fill-in a copy of the Membership Form CLICK HERE, Fill it in and post it to the below address or use the email address on the membership form


BDC (NSW Region) Inc.
P.O. Box 1218 Neutral Bay Junction,
NSW 2089

For further Information please use the contact form or phone numbers on the Contact page of the website : Click here


To find out about how to become a Member, click below 

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